NAME OF THE SOCIETY: The name of the Society shall be ‘Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India’.
REGISTERED OFFICE: The office of the Society shall be at the following address: Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research ( formerly NRCMAP ), Boriavi, Anand 387310, Gujarat, India.
AIM AND OBJECTS: The aim and objects for which the Society is established are as under:
- To promote and cultivate an atmosphere for the advancement of research on all aspects of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants conservation, production, utilization and trade.
- To promote general interests and interaction among researchers working on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in different institutions and organizations within the country and abroad and extend its usefulness for the public advantage.
- To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of research information and experiences related to Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
- To publish an Open Access Peer Reviewed Scientific Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and also material in the interest of public.
- To carry out such activities as are relevant to the accomplishment of the above goals.
“The income and property of the Society, however, derived shall be applied towards the promotion of the objects thereof as set forth in this Memorandum of Association. No portion of the income and property of the Society shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been members of the Society or to any of them or to any persons claiming through them or any of them, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration of any member thereof or other persons in return for any service rendered to the Society. If, on the winding up or dissolution of the Society, there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever the same shall not be paid to, or distributed among the members of the Society or any of them but shall be dealt with in such manner as per the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860”.
GOVERNING BODY: The names, addresses, occupations and designation in the society of all the members of the first Managing Committee of the society to whom the management and business of the society is entrusted as required under the section 2 of Societies Registration Act, 1860 are as follows:
Sl. No. | Name | Address | Occupation | Designation in the Society |
Dr. Satyabrata Maiti | Durga Bhavan, Salgachia, P.O. Tamluk, Purba Medinipur 721636, West Bengal | Director, NRCMAP, Anand | President | |
Dr. P. Manivel | Mangammal Patti, Karikeni (P.O.) Periyur Taluka, Madurai 625702 Tamil Nadu | Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding), NRCMAP, Anand | Vice President | |
Dr. Mrs. Sanghamitra Samantaray | Plot No. 135, Unit-7, Suryanagar, Bhubaneswar 751003, Orissa | Senior Scientist (Biotechnology), NRCMAP, Anand | Vice President | |
Dr. Vipin Chaudhary | H.No. 22, Panchbatti Colony, Air Force Road, Ratanada, Jodhpur 342011, Rajasthan | Senior Scientist (Agricultural Entomology), NRCMAP, Anand | Executive Member | |
Mr. R. Saravanan | Soolaimedu, Agraharam (P.O.), Namakkal 638008, Tamil Nadu | Scientist Sr. Scale (Plant Physiology), NRCMAP, Anand | Executive Member | |
Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao | Shop No. 64, MGC Market, Tadithota, Rajahmundry-533003, Andhra Pradesh | Sr. Scientist(Computer Applications in Agriculture), NRCMAP, Anand | Treasurer | |
Dr. Gutam Sridhar | H. No. 1-9-127 & 128 Ramnagar, Hyderabad 500020 Andhra Pradesh | Scientist (Plant Physiology), NRCMAP, Anand | Secretary |
DESIROUS PERSONS: We the following member signatories of the society desire to form our society namely “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India” under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and accordingly we have formed the said society, today; i.e., 8th November, 2008 and we have signed the Memorandum for the purpose of the registration of the society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Sl. No. | Name | Occupation | Signature |
Dr. Satyabrata Maiti | Director, NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Dr. P. Manivel | Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Dr. Mrs. Sanghamitra Samantaray | Senior Scientist (Biotechnology), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Dr. Vipin Chaudhary | Senior Scientist (Agricultural Entomology), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Mr. R. Saravanan | Scientist Sr. Scale (Plant Physiology), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao | Sr.Scientist(Computer Applications in Agriculture), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- | |
Dr. Gutam Sridhar | Scientist (Plant Physiology), NRCMAP, Anand | Sd/- |